Dark Matter Chapter Summaries

2018 Words5 Pages

Miles Clark
8th hour
Dark-Matter: Assignment 1
Chapter Outline

Chapter 1: In the first chapter we meet some of the characters and what they do. Both Daniela and Jason Dessen gave up their careers to start a family together. Jason goes to a party held for his former colleague, Ryan Holder, celebrating a Prize that he had earned. He and Jason talk and Jason gets enraged and leaves the party early. On his way home a kidnapper approaches him and forces him into a SUV. He takes Jason to an abandoned warehouse and injects a needle into his neck and slowly Jason goes unconscious.

Chapter 2: Jason wakes up from his unconscious sleep but he finds himself being pulled out of a box by a few men. He is pulled to a futuristic scientific facility that …show more content…

Vance shows him a box and Jason is very suprised it is the same box he worked on years earlier but at a finished state. The box is meant to bring you to different parallel universes in which we learned about earlier. Amanda Lucas shows up and talks to him, Jason tells her that the men killed Daniela but she does not seem to believe her. When Amanda leaves he begins to go over his files then Vance enters the room again. Vance tells him that he is a liar for telling people that he was married to Daniela. Ryan enters the room after and Jason asks him about the drug that he made, this compound is meant to help you exist inside of this parallel universe. Jason pieces the puzzle together realizing that a different version of him completed the box but regretted his decision to leave Daniela earlier so he tried to enter a different Jason's life and take over. The man that kidnapped him was HIM but a different version of him. This explains the stories in chapter 6 and 4, they aren’t dreams, they are what is going on in the other Jason’s life. Amanda and Jason get into the box and inject the drug and quickly fade

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