Mccloskey On Being An Atheist Summary

1748 Words4 Pages

Justin Hedberg
Professor Lockhart
Phil 201
October 7, 2015

McCloskey: Atheist View In the article of McCloskey, called “On Being an Atheist” explains that atheism is a more logical route to choose than that of Christianity. McCloskey argues the three theistic views which are cosmological, teleological, and design arguments. McCloskey explains about the evil that is prominent in the world which God had created. His points concluded that it was illogical to live by a standard of faith. It is unnecessary to live by the arguments or proofs because they do not play the role in believing in God. In McCloskey’s article he refers that theist do not come to God for the basis of having a religious faith but allow religion to feel the void of other …show more content…

He considers these principles to be reasons for moving a theist to theism. This would contradict how most theist would not hold these proofs to be reliable. The attempt to dispute the arguments for not believing in God are not really worth attempting. If a theist doesn’t hold the proofs as they are valued what is the point in arguing with a theist? McCloskey is motivated to prove a point in which some are not entirely interested in doing. Therefore, he is trying to wage war over this perplexed idea. McCloskey argues the cosmological argument was the argument for the creation of the world. McCloskey states that believing in an uncaused first cause of the complex universe was a problem because there is nothing that forces us beings to the conclusion. A cause-effect rationalization is most understandable between things that …show more content…

As McCloskey discussed he mentions us to being a rational automaton, that’s if freedom were removed from history. We as individuals would have to have predestined knowledge to know everything in order to perform such action. His view on Atheism is peaceful to McCloskey. The act of evil in which McCloskey entails is of God. He holds the beliefs of that evil are condemned to a being. That all evils such as accidental and moral evils are all attributed to one being. If there is no pattern to life itself, how can we further understand creation or its creator? Laws are given for a purpose. Evil is created by its free will of man, who was in which created by a creator. It would be a joke for God to commence an operation such as creating things if they didn’t have purpose or value we would be like robots. It is the act of a supreme, loving God in which made creation to determine its outcome. I hold recognition to an almighty creator in which allows me to be free and know what is best for me and that I can recognize the way God’s actions are because of how he created

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