Maybelline Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Although society is now adapted to the vast amounts of advertisements, it is imperative to stop and consider the messages that are presented. The internet is flooded with ads promoting beauty and cosmetic products, which often claim to make women feel better about themselves. In truth, the company selling the cosmetic product makes the buyer feel inadequate, causing the individual to feel as though they must have the product to obtain more magnificent pulchritude. The audience targeted for the magazine advert comprises those who want to look and feel more attractive from acquiring better-styled eyelashes, and as "Maybelline" is a drugstore brand, it appeals to an average income family.Because of its range of products and general affordability, Maybelline is a …show more content…

Placed directly under in a significantly smaller font size is Maybelline’s famed slogan: “Maybe she’s Born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline”. In this ad, there are many appeals used, making it a successful cosmetic advertisement. The magazine advert manipulates women into believing this mascara will feminize the ordinary woman. It evokes women to want to mimic the model’s beauty, obtaining the more desirable and attractive look, which exemplifies rhetorical appeals. The company uses the emotional appeal that everyone desires to look attractive and appealing to men and also to have that natural femininity. The company incorporates its slogan, “Maybe She was Born with It. Maybe it’s Maybelline.” in an attempt to convey that the Maybelline product will enhance one’s eyelashes while still appearing natural and genuine. The use of a celebrity, adriana lima , builds ethos for the advertisement. The consumer is more willing to buy Maybelline’s product because one trusts a celebrity’s judgment about this product since he or she is a person with a higher authority and also wears this brand name

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