Maya Vs Inca Essay

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In this article, I will be telling you about the Maya, the Aztec, and the Inca, and some similarities, and some differences. These cultures are all unique, and they all have very different beliefs. If you want to learn more about the Maya, Aztec and Inca, you're in for a treat! Read more to expand your knowledge, and leave in wonder.

First, let me explain to you about the Mayans difference. The Mayan civilization started about c. 1500 in lots of different places in the Southern Hemisphere. To name a couple, like Belize and Mexico, where they got to grow their own food. The Inca government was called the Tawantinsuyu, and Teotihuacan, Caracol, Tikal, and Kaminaljuyu were all popular cities.The Mayan Empire was very big, and covers lots of the Southern region The Maya were smart, and good communicators, in c. 750, had developed a strong writing system. Only the soothsayers, and …show more content…

Scientist think that the reason the Maya vanished is because of the disease the Spanish brought from Spain killed all the people, and they were all killed in battle. Jade stone was the most valuable thing to the Maya. It was rare for jewelry not to be made out of jade. The Maya also traded Jade for food and other goods. Jade was even more valuable than money for the Maya. This is going to be the last difference I am doing to talk about for the Maya to save time. The Maya believed in many gods, (Polytheism), and did human sacrifices as well as animals. For the Maya, it was all about the blood. The Priests would cut themselves with a knife to start a ceremony. They gave blood to the gods when asking for something. They would sometimes ask the gods to give the ruler more life, of to help a loved one if they are sick. They also sacrificed their enemies to show power, but to also thank the

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