Maya Angelou Graduation

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"The Graduation" is a chapter from Maya Angelou's autobiography, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings". In general, it centers on Angelou's eighth-grade graduation in Stamps, Arkansas. Occurring in the racially segregated South, Angelou explains her experience graduating from the blacks-only grammar school and describes the contrast between the black and white schools. By examining Angelou as an author, exploring the context in which the author wrote, and considering the fundamental message she conveys through this essay, the audience becomes aware of the theme that shows how through perseverance, hard work, and hope, one can overcome the obstacles of racism and prejudice and new sources of strength within. Dr. Angelou is known as one of the most outstanding voices of modern times. She is a famous poet, novelist, memoirist, educator, dramatist, actress, producer, filmmaker, historian, and civil rights activist. In this way, there is no reason not to trust the author with has such wide and multifaceted life experience. Through this and other her works, Angelou has provided a role model for other black women who struggle in order to support their children, while keeping a positive vision of life. As she reveals the problems and …show more content…

Angelou might have written this paper as a way to describe and retell her story on what multiple people can say is one of the most bittersweet moments of their lives. She is direct with the message of graduation being an important milestone, a happy time that should be cherished. She is successful at showing that even in the face of difficulty it is possible to push through it. She was indirectly summarizing the prejudices that African American’s faced during her time. A vital quote “We were on top again. Always, again. We survived. The depths had been icy and dark, but now a bright sun spoke to our souls”

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