Annotated Bibliography Of Maya Angelou

2111 Words5 Pages

Reid Karp
AP Lit. & Comp.
Ms. Lehn, Per. 7
Annotated Bibliography

"Angelou, Maya (née Marguerite Annie Johnson)." Encyclopedia of African-american Writing. Amenia: Grey House Publishing, 2009. Credo Reference. Web. 12 March 2014.

This literary critique was found on the Bryant Library database. It talks about how well Maya conveys her message to her readers as well as portraying vivid scenes in her reader’s minds’. Maya’s sense of story and her passionate desire to overcome obstacles and strive for greatness and self-appreciation is what makes Maya an outlier. Living in America, Angelou believed that African American as a whole must find emotional, intellectual, and spiritual sustenance through reverting back to their “home” of Africa. According to Maya, “Home” was the best place to capture a sense of family, past, and tradition. When it comes to Maya’s works of literature, her novels seems to be more critically acclaimed then her poetry. With that being said, Angelou pursues harsh social and political issues involving African American in her poems. Some of these themes are the struggle for civil rights in America and Africa, the feminist movement, Maya’s relationship with her son, and her awareness of the difficulties of living in America's struggling classes. Nevertheless, in all of Maya’s works of literature she is able to “harness the power of the word” through an extraordinary understanding of the language and events she uses and went through. Reading this critique made me have a better understanding of the process Maya went through in order to illustrate her life to her readers. It was not just sitting down with a pen and paper and just writing thoughts down. It was really, Maya being able to perfect something that she c...

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...all of the productions and documentaries that were used to depict the harsh realities of the unthinkable. I believe Maya Angelou decided to narrate this emotional film because she wanted to influence viewers anyway that she could. Maya connects with readers (specifically African Americans) through her biographies and poetry with her adroit use of language. Nonetheless, Maya possesses other skills that allow her to connect with several other audiences and influence them in positive ways that they were unaware about before. This source was limited because it did not provide the reader with much personal or biographical information about Angelou. It did however show that Maya was willing to use her prominence and intelligence to affect the general public in a positive way, informing them of the true, harsh realities that many minorities across the world are faced with.

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