Maturity In Middle School

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Looking back through my middle school and high school years, I see that I have matured a great amount. I see my current self as someone that treats others with respect, and who does not blurt out anything that comes to mind. I sadly cannot say that was always the case. Throughout high school, everyone changes at least a minimal amount, and sometimes you don’t even notice the changes. Maturity is something that happens naturally for most, and can happen in the matter of a summer break. “Stupid freshman,” or even, “Of course it was the freshman.” we would hear from the upperclassmen. As a senior in high school, and looking at the freshman and middle schoolers, I can see how immature they are. The superseding classes act childish, and have not matured yet. One day they will grow up, and they will begin to act with class. As middle schoolers, or incoming freshman, we didn’t realize how we were acting. We saw ourselves as acting normal, or as a typical middle schooler. Which we would be correct because the majority of underclassmen do act this way, but that does not mean this is a proper way to act. In middle school, everything is simpler, and we acted how we wanted. We did not care if what we said came across as rude, or as disrespectful. Many were disrespectful to teachers, or to their fellow classmates. As we …show more content…

Everyday we would be in the hot gym with giant looming lights shining down on us, and we would have Coach Rew yelling at us like a drill sergeant. We were taught to dress up everyday that we had a basketball game, and not to act childish when we travel to other schools. He taught us to always be respectful to those helping with the basketball games, or the track meets. Every track meet, he would have us walk up and thank the officials that help with the meet. As we progressed to high school, Mr. Starner was our new track coach, and he taught us to have class as

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