Math Fencing Project

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Math Fencing Project

I have to find the maximum area for a given perimeter (1000m) in this

project. I am going to start examining the rectangle because it is by

far the easiest shape to work with and is used lots in places (most

things use rectangles for design- basic cube .etc). To start with what

type of rectangle gives the best result.

A regular square or an irregular oblong?

I start by having 4 individual squares.





[IMAGE][IMAGE] Goes to



Regular square irregular oblong

Now look at how many sides are exposed on each shape-

å sides of each cube internal1 å sides of each cube internal2

[IMAGE][IMAGE]Ratio for square = ratio for oblong =

å sides of each cube exposed1 å sides of each cube exposed2

2 ´4 (1 ´ 2) + (2 ´ 2)


2 ´ 4 (3 ´ 2) + (2 ´ 2)

= 1 = 0.6

This can be further done by having more squares (to show that the more

irregular a square is the less area it has for that given perimeter.

BUT if we want the same perimeter (which we do) we have to take away a

square for the irregular oblong to make it the same area as the

regular square.



Now look the irregular oblong has less area. So we've proved that for

rectangles. The more sides kept internal, the smaller the area. Now we

desimplify the length ´ width equation-

[IMAGE] ab

= ½ (a2 + b2) ´ ½ (a2 + b2) eventhough it would be easier to do ab,

this shows what I mean.

½ (a2 + b2) makes the sides even like a square


[IMAGE] ½ (a2 + b2) times it by the ratio of its real area to a

squares. (like in percent)

or simply written

A = ab

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