Masochism In Women's Films Essay

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Julie Aguilar Professor Theresa Geller HUM 185: Film Analysis, Theory, and Criticism 27 November 2014 The Subversive Work of Masochism in Women’s Films Despite the pertinence of patriarchal structures in cinema, psychoanalytic feminist film theory subverts and examines these structures. The tools used to subvert such structures originate from psychoanalytic analysis, like the use of the masochistic model as introduced by Gaylyn Studlar. As a psychoanalytic tool, masochism in cinema highlights the patriarchal values that shape cinematic structures and simultaneously calls attention to the presence of patriarchal values in the unconscious. The masochistic model does not restrict visual pleasure to male spectators and describes the spectator …show more content…

This stage occurs during a child’s first 6-18 months of age in the Oedipal trajectory (Mulvey 718). During the mirror phase, the child constructs an egotistic self that learns its position in society. The child recognizes itself in the mirror and feels exhilarated because it visualizes itself as whole (718). At this time, the child learns the “first articulation of the ‘I’, of subjectivity” and what it means to look (718). Although the child’s physical recognition of the self is accurate, the child misrecognizes its authority and assumes self-importance. By indulging in its reflection, the child associates the pleasures of viewing itself with viewing others. The pleasures that the child derives from the look generates forms of scopophilia, which is the “circumstances in which looking itself is a source of pleasure, just as, in the reverse formation, there is a pleasure being looked at” (717). These pleasures of scopophilia manifest themselves in cinema, where the spectator is able to indulge in the look as

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