Essay On Western Masculinity

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Masculinity in itself is very diverse and varies according to each culture and each person. In China, masculinity has traditionally been very different than Western masculinity. Where Western masculinity is known for being very macho and tough, Chinese masculinity has consistently been much more feminine when compared to the Western’s. Chinese masculinity traditionally has always had a very soft aspect to it, however as China continues to change as a nation, it is slowly beginning to alter their normal definition of what it means to ‘be a man’. One of the first traditional aspects of Chinese masculinity was the concept of wen-wu. In order for one to achieve and understand the substance of masculinity, one has to have either wen or wu, or …show more content…

They are not typically sexualized, and are often thought of as “’not quite real men’ because they fail the (Western) test of masculinity” (Louie 9). Unlike the typical Western macho man, Chinese men often do not have facial hair, have very soft and delicate looking skin, slim bodies, and tend to appear very young. These qualities can relate to more of the female characteristics exhibited in many other cultures. Perhaps a reason why Chinese men tend to be softer looking is “a result and an indication of sophisticated cultural tastes in art and literature” (Law 41). This can be tied back to the traditional wen-wu masculinity of how being scholarly and well educated was highly valued. Being sexualized has never been a very prominent factor within the Chinese masculinity. The highly respected quality of having excellent self-control reiterates to men that they should control their sexual desires and urges. It once again is the very opposite of the Western idea that men cannot control themselves, and that women have to always be on the defense as a result. To exhibit that one could have the most self-control, there was the concept that during sex it was often considered a “battle with the ultimate goal being the ability to withhold an orgasm while making the other partner orgasm” (Law 7). Chinese masculinity and integrity focused more on the ability to control sexual desires rather than the person one was having sex with. This can account how up until recent times, it did not matter all that much whether or not a person was in a homosexual relationship. Nowadays, however, homosexuality is not widely accepted in China. It can be determined from all this, that masculinity lies in the capability to control oneself rather than being blatantly sexually

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