Essay On Masculinity And Deviance

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Introduction Several individuals within society typically follow social guidelines that they are unaware of performing. Social guidelines such as stopping at a red light or saying thank you when someone has done something for you. These social guidelines or norms give society a script to follow regarding their behavior and actions. Although norms are the acceptable actions and behaviors that society is taught to perform, there are occurrences where individuals stay away from those in which they are now enacting deviance. To act deviant is considered to break away or do something different of a social norm. There are several forms of deviance that occur frequently within society that violate social norms and hinder society’s overall function. …show more content…

Being different in our American society view in thought is applauded, but that is not the case. In an attempt, by Terman and Miles, to understand the development of masculinity and femininity among adolescents.They found that masculinity and femininity were two separate dimensions that together indicate an individual 's sexual orientation(Young !!!!). Defining masculinity as aggressive, dominant, and independence; femininity as warmth, sensitivity, and nurturing(Young !!!!). Expressing the sense that these are roles built into every person and because of these roles and the "American view" they lead to misunderstanding. Since, our society has its own view of what man and woman are suppose to be like, could the outcome of each bullying incident have to do with our social view of what Masculinity and Femininity really is? These are the roles that society has instilled in each person, but because of that if an individual that goes against the “norms” of society they in terms get punished and for an adolescents that equals bullying because a bully finds find satisfaction out of picking on people for being …show more content…

For many studies the main questions were: What causes bullying, what leads an adolescent to be a bully, what is the relationship between the bully and victim and many more. These are the questions that avoid the real question as to what is the cause of bullying. Many of the study 's research have exam the findings of psychological(emaotions) aspect that comes after the bullying. Each study fails to note that bullying is an everyday problem that finds it 's way into everyone’s life at one point or another. Their are some genders, race, sexuality that get picked more than others because they are different. In one study, they included the fact that if an adolescent is a female they are less likely to have bullying compared to many, but LGBT is most likely (Patrick 2010) which in essence makes little to no sense because LGBT is a group of both males and females. However, their are not many studies on individualizing adolescents based only on the actual whole individual (White gay male, black transvestite, Hispanic heterosexual male or

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