Mary Shmich The Commencement Speech Essay

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One could say that the way both authors approached the theme in their writing styles was almost secretive. Yet, the theme that they develop in long run tells an important life lesson. The commencement speech given by Mary Schmich, and the poem given by Max Ehrmann both seem to be simple compilations of helpful advice, but both share an underlying theme that runs through the two pieces thoroughly. The two pieces both express to have your own opinion and awareness even if others are different.

After reading the graduation commencement speed given by Mary Schmich, The author develops the theme by telling the listener at the beginning of her speech to “Wear sunscreen” (Schmitt, 1), but then goes on to say random and sometimes illogical pieces of advice such as “Floss” or “Be kind to your knees: you'll miss them when they're gone” (Schmitt, 1). One that is reading the speech might be outraged by the absurdness of the fact that the paper actually possesses a theme from the irrelevant nonsense, but the purposeless advice is used as a rhetorical device to make the reader believe that not all advice that one receives can be creditable to their …show more content…

The second piece by Max Ehrmann takes on a different approach, but says essentially the same message using a variety of rhetorical devices to show the theme. Max states “And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should” (Ehrmann, 2) What she means is that however life is to the individual, the universe will always have more to offer. She then goes on to say to “be at peace with God whatever you conceive Him to be” (Ehrmann, 2). The rhetorical device used in this line shows the reader that however the world is in there eyes, one should accept the reality that God has put them in (however you perceive God to be). Even though she mentions God, the poem has nothing to do with religion, yet is in relation with self peace and

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