Manufactured By Child Labour Essay

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Should people buy products manufactured by child labor? This has been a well debated question in the recent past. Child labor, the employment of underage worker, has pros and cons. However, products as a result of this should be bought because families are in need of income from their children and it is part of some families culture. Even though some say it is “not right” and “unethical” the children are choosing to subject themselves to the working conditions.
Many children need to work in third world countries because their families are poor. Most families are reliant on their children’s income. This is support by Nadira Faulmuller article where she says, “the main cause for children doing work is poverty.” If this work was taken away the families would not be able to survive. So refusal to buy their goods will just push families deeper into poverty. Or this could cause children to taken on worse working conditions with little jobs here and there to make a little money. After they are fired from the relatively clean textile factories they would have to try and make a living off of activities such as collecting garbage or prostitution (Nadira Faulmuller). Child labor is important to poor families. …show more content…

It is not seen as wrong but as the norm. “In other cultures...children are expected to work together with their parents,” says Faulmuller. Other countries have different cultural beliefs and U.S. consumers shouldn’t be able to judge if they can put their kids to work. Americans sometimes argue that it is be in a child's best interests to go to school. So couldn’t the same argument be made for learning about work and gaining practical skills (Faulmuller)? Working could be apart of lots of cultures because it gives life skills. School helps prepare for college but learning to work early could be a great preparation for

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