Manifest Destiny Research Paper

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In the political vocabulary, freedom is the central term in which it's mostly used interchangeably- then and now, but is deeply imbedded into our history as Americans in everyday life and in history. Freedom in our country is invoked to support wars: the Revolution was fought to bring about freedom by fighting oppression from the king, and the Civil War was founght to bring a new birth of freedom. Our history supports and contradicts the term freedom. It supports freedom by the formation of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, our democracy, and manifest destiny. But our history also contradicts freedom by the happenings of slavery, and the fact that the term freedom was limited to race, gender, and social status. So was our history …show more content…

government." (Velasco-Márquez). The Mexican-American War was one of the best and worst examples of manifest destiny. Manifest destiny and religious freedom created conditions that encouraged the development of a greater sense of freedom. The wide availability of land increased the voter turn out because more men owned land, and religious freedom welcomed immigrants from Europe from the religious prosecution. When our commercial society expanded it redefined property to include the opening of the West to millions of families to obtain land. As well as property was redefined as ownership of one's labor- slavery. In European countries, settlement was limited to religion and the United States' settlement was only limited to being a white male, and not religion. So in the United States there was more religious pluralism. For example, William Penn founding Pennsylvania and creating the Charter of Privileges of 1701 which guaranteed that no resident of Pennsylvania would be prosecuted for practicing their religion and promised religious freedom. Penn's charter was a milestone in the development of religious

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