Management According To Peter Maslow's Role Of Management

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Management is a process of coordinating of all the exercises of a business with a specific end goal to accomplish characterized targets.
Management is frequently included as an element of generating along with machines, materials, and cash. As per the management guru Peter Drucker (1909-2005), the essential undertaking of management incorporates both marketing and development.
According to Bennis ' proverb, "managing people is like herding cats and cats won 't allow themselves to be herded". It simply means that employees don 't like to be controlled in an organisation, they want to have freedom of operation. In any organisation, there is bound to be rules and regulations to oversee the staff for the purpose of knowing whether they are doing …show more content…

He elaborated there are five essential needs that motivate people: "psychological, safety, love or belongingness, self-esteem, and self-actualisation" (Udechukwu II,2009). Writing in the Psychological Review in 1943, Maslow expressed, "human needs arrange themselves in hierarchies of prepotency. That is to say, the appearance of one need usually rests on the prior satisfaction of another more proponent need. Man is a perpetually wanting animal. Also, no need or drive can be treated as if it were isolated or discrete; every drive is related to the state of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of drives." There are the basic needs which consist: …show more content…

By treating a person as multi-faceted and of emotion, companies approach to gain a deeper understanding and better help their employees, rather than, treating people in a black and white manner. By not oversimplifying people 's behaviour as "Cats that won 't want to be herded", or simply, outright independence, there is flexibility that gives creating the right motivating factors to enhance workers ' performance. There will be many factors that will motivate the worker, rather than a focus on trying to solve the problem of non-cooperation. In this case-study, the work situation of correctional officers in one southern U.S. state 's correctional agency where Maslow 's hierarchy of needs is applied, "…Because promotional opportunities or any real career ladder exists for most correctional officers, officers tend to compete furiously with each other for such opportunities as elevation to captain, deputy warden, and warden. This creates a workplace environment of survival-of-the-fittest set within an even larger, even more competitive world of belligerent inmates. Any feelings of love and belongingness are easily squashed in this situation, and social identity theory, which also helps explain the lack of teamwork among correctional officers, becomes a figment of officers ' imagination." (Udechukwu II,2009) This quote

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