Male And Female Inmates Differences

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Male and female function and think differently. For decades, these differences have been outlined by popular culture. Scholars have argued that male and female react to stress differently. Males tend to express stress. This expression is the result of physical aggression and combative behavior. On the other hand, females tend to suppress stress. This results in self-harming behavior such as burning, cutting, and carving. Females have a higher rate of suicide attempts, drug abuse, and mental health services. This is twice the rate of male inmates. Female inmates also form surrogate families while incarcerated. These families are developed for social reasoning than sexual contact. However, sexual relations can be a part of this bond. This behavior …show more content…

This is there motivator for change. It is also recognized that female inmates have more about emotional needs. Most female inmates find out who they are for the first time in their life while incarcerated. This is the result of not being abused, not have a john or a pimp lurking around the corner waiting to use or abuse them. Male inmates, on the other hand, have to prove themselves. They are hostile and often blame others for the situation in which they find themselves. They are rarely open to accepting assistant. The male ego often gets in the way to making progress in prison. Men view seeking change as an admission that something is wrong. That admission shows weakness. Male inmates are generally very reluctant to volunteer for programs that are rehabilitative in nature. They do not feel that they need to be rehabilitated. The male population operates strictly on peer pressure, male ego and reputation. Despite the fact these programs could help them in the long run, their immediate dictate to be hard wins out. Female inmates will help each other out. They will work with one another to get through a crisis, and bond when one of them needs help, whereas men are less likely to signal that they are hurting or share the particulars of their

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