Malcom Gladwell: What Makes A Person Successful

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What makes a successful person successful? If a person were to explore what it takes to become successful they may come to the conclusion that it takes hard work. In Malcom Gladwell’s novel “Outliers” Gladwell explores this essential question and comes to the conclusion that great success is a product of circumstances and actions “that are out of the ordinary” (Gladwell 17). Gladwell labels successful people as “Outliers” (Gladwell 17) and defines them as “men and women who do things that are out of the ordinary.” (Gladwell 17) In addition, Gladwell goes on to give examples of such people, and begins with hockey players and states that “it is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel the logic behind who succeeds and who doesn’t” (Gladwell 19). Furthermore, Gladwell comes to the conclusion that Hockey players born in the first three months of a year have a much higher percentage chance of playing professional hockey. These are the people which are products of circumstances that were out of the ordinary and out of their control. …show more content…

An individual named Ben Carson would be considered an “Outlier” by Gladwell. Ben Carson, an African-American, grew up in Detroit in dire poverty with a single mother. Growing up as African-American in Detroit there were no expectations that Ben would have to meet. Provided Ben’s history as a child there would be no expectation for him to go to college, but Ben through his mother’s sacrifices went to Yale University and became a world-renowned neurosurgeon. Additionally, Ben stated that his “Mother basically sacrificed her life so her children would be successful” (Gates). In conclusion, the sacrifice that Ben’s mother made was out of the ordinary and as seen in Ben’s success as a surgeon he would be recognized as an

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