Malala Yousafzai Hero's Journey

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“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful”- Malala Yousafzai. During Ancient Greece, the concept of classical hero was determined; the classical hero is the one who defends his homeland, has courage, is intelligent, honest and strong, knows how to handle difficult moments and does not fear death. However, in our days, this concept change, the modern hero is normal person with straights and weakness, defends an ideal and want the equality between the people. Moreover, the hero’s journey is a cycle of the live of the hero. Consequently, is noticeable that Malala Yousafzai is a hero, because she has similar characteristics with the classical hero and with the modern hero, and, she has the hero’s journey. Malala Yousafzai has some qualities of a Classical hero. The first is the fact that she does not fear death, because when she presents her ideals, she contradicted some of the ideas of the terrorist groups in Pakistan, which threatened to kill her, but she was not afraid and continued to express her ideals. The second is the fact that she knows hot to handle difficult moments, because Malala Yousafzai was born in a country considered poor, …show more content…

One example of it, is when Malala needs some help to the population of Pakistan to spread fastest her ideals to help the people, which is similar with the assistance, that is when the hero needs some help. Another example of it, is when Malala was shot, because she defend her ideals that are different that terrorism group’s ideals, so they shot in Malala, which is similar with the crisis, that is when the hero faces possible death. Finally, when Malala presented to ONU a speech about her life and ideals and helped the Pakistan’s people to be more equal, which is similar with the result, that is when the hero has either conquered all enemies in the special world or must escape them. Consequently, as you can see Malala Yousafzai has the hero’s

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