Maintaining Species Through-out the World

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Many people believe that animals are simply creatures that humans have the ability to control. They do not take into consideration that animals provide much more for this planet than we give them credit for. People of today’s society often view animals as a source of food, as household pets, or as an item for entertainment purposes. All species of animals are needed for much more in the environment and should not be subject to this overuse and abuse. Most of this abuse is caused by hunting, legal and poaching, people taking animals out of their natural environment for their own entertainment purposes, or simple carelessness from humans that cause waste or other harmful materials to invade these animals environment. Humans using animals for their own selfish purposes, along with being careless with their wastes and materials, should be controlled by international law in order to prevent extinction, increase in negative effects to humans, and imbalance in the natural environment from which these animals come from.
The main problem with hunting wild animals, whether it is legal or illegal, is that it is reason for extinction. Pulling animals out of their natural habitat by killing them, their ability to mate and reproduce is inhibited. While this may not have a large impact at first, over time it can lead to extinction with even more different animals killed. Over the last decade at least ten or more species have gone extinct (Regan.) This means that every year one or more full populations of animals completely vanished from this planet. This is from humans overusing the resources from these animals either for food or clothes, decoration, etc. By the time scientists realized that these species were becoming extinct, it was almost ...

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...s’ carelessness. Once again, humans seem to be the root cause of large amounts of deaths that have the potential of leading to a decrease in the population of a species.
The human population continues to fail to recognize that they are overusing animal resources and mistreating these animals. If this overuse and poor treatment does not change, the population of thousands of species could be at risk and many ecosystems and important industries will be put in danger. More focus needs to be put on the different ecosystems and animal species, endangered or still highly populated, in order to keep them alive and well. Stricter laws on hunting, animal treatment, and waste disposal, along with taking more precautions when handling potentially harmful materials, would make a huge impact on the environment that would be beneficial for humans and animals all over the globe.

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