Maha Ardati: Privacy And Ethical Issues

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As many issues discussed on the blog revolve around privacy and ethics I decided to conduct an interview that carried these as its core subjects. The interviewee, Maha Ardati, is 21 years of age; placing her in the biggest age group to use technology. She is also a frequent user of the phone and Internet, making her opinion on data collection and the privacy that revolves around it a relevant source of insight.

According to the Australian Government’s Privacy Act, personal data is ‘information or an opinion…about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion’ (Australian Law Reform Commission, Privacy Act 1988). This is meant to mean that personal data is basically revealing our identity, whether or not this is comfortable for some people to openly provide for the public is another matter. As discussing the issue of personal information, first off she was asked whether she felt like she ‘owned’ her own personal data, responding with ‘technically…it is mine, however once online…anyone can use it.” She explained how the basic information about her age and occupation being exposed did not really bother her but it was the other information that people could conclude from that which made her feel ‘uneasy’. …show more content…

This is a clever idea as Internet users wish to have a choice in the matter of their data

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