Macbeth-Personal Narrative

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Desperation does have a habit of altering the senses. I was once a happy man, married with a child and with no idea what fate would throw at me. And now I am a shell of a man punished for meddling in what I shouldn’t of have.
Life changed for everyone people started dropping like flies from the latest viral infection but like flies when you think you finally have killed them, they just keep flying. The few people like me who didn’t get sick formed there own tribes in any building they could fortify. My group found an old supermarket which was in good shape, but the owners weren’t but it was nothing Banquo and I couldn’t deal with. The people in my tribe were run by Duncan Morgan; he was a good man but with hard times came hard decisions. It …show more content…

I walked towards them cautiously if they spotted me on my way through and raised the alarm they could bring a herd on me. Feeling for the hatched on my belt one suddenly stared at me with big yellow eyes and smiled showing me her non existent teeth. “Welcome Macbeth to the end of the world but the start of yours” she started to get up towards me, I swang the hatchet at her warningly but with no response the other two started giggling but it sounded wheezy. “All bow to Macbeth successor of the king” she shrilled the others howling with laughter now “All hail Macbeth successor of Duncan” , this would attract a crowd I thought as I swung the weapon again setting the others running off as her body hit the …show more content…

The battle was going well until as I turned to attack another I saw Duncan swarmed, my brain froze as I watched people if you could still call them that sink there teeth into our leader and as if I had been possessed raised my gun and put a bullet into Duncan’s head.
As soon as I had done it I saw the consequences immediately all fighting had stopped and all gazes where on me and my trusty gun there was a peaceful silence for a few seconds that felt like forever but it was broken by my gun hitting the floor I must have blacked out body running on fear because the next thing I remember is Banquo standing over me in our sleeping quarters with eyes that glistened with

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