Creative Writing: Gunshots

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“PULL ME IN!!!” “HELP ME!!!” screamed Saad Gunshots rang into the air, pulsating my eardrums like a grenade had just exploded beside me. At that moment, I heard a thump 10 feet behind me, I knew that Saad was not going to make it. The smell of gunpowder still lingered in the air and the crisp air of the night attacked my brain. In a split second, my vision became blurred and black webs formed in front of me. “I can’t stop. I can’t stop.” I repeated to myself. All that I have gone through these past three months cannot end here. The hard earned money my family has saved and spent in order to get me here to this point. I cannot let them down and there was no turning back. I picked up the fifty pound bag and sprinted to the direction of the

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