Macbeth: A Very Complex Character

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Macbeth is a very complex character whom reflects man's thirst for power through the drastic changes of his personality; thus being one of the slightest reasons in which make this intriguing character, greatest of all Shakespearean’s well-known works. At the beginning of the play Macbeth is notable as a brave soldier and is rewarded as being Thane of Glamis. The attributions of Macbeth at the beginning of the play may be wise, thoughtful, patient and noble. Soon after he achieves the title Thane of Cawdor as predicted by the three witches; whom drive Macbeth’s ambition to murder King Duncan- due to the fulfilment of the witches’ first prophecy, Macbeth is foolish enough to commit to treason and murder King Duncan. The first change of Macbeth’s personality happens during Act II, Scene 2, where he starts to become overwhelmed with ambition and self-doubt; "To know my deed, 'twere best not know myself" (II.ii) This specific action consequently resulted in Macbeth’s level of morality to continually decline as he is acutely aware of his own tyranny. Therefore Macbeth attempts to forget the horrific deed he has committed and be the figure that orders and disorders. Our perception of Macbeth being a wise and loyal soldier is now eroded, as we start to view Macbeth constantly questioning his own actions, and is also impelled to perpetrate further atrocities with the intention of covering up his previous wrong-doings. Macbeth's excessive pride is now his prevailing character attribute. This feature of his personality is well depicted in Act IV, Scene 1, when he revisits the Witches, without any coercion. His confidence and impression of subjective impregnability are the main cause for his tragic downfall. Overall due to Macbet... ... middle of paper ... .... The theme of masculinity being displayed throughout the play, particularly by Macbeth himself, reinforces his position in terms of importance. This revolving notion can be justified through the manner in which the audience views Macbeth’s own urge for power- over femininity and also for the throne; thus slowly developing a setting for the preceding plot. Once again Macbeth is also imperative in regards to the story line, as he is the figure in which Shakespeare tends to propose certain principles and consequences. Macbeth’s role towards the story line can be justly spoken at an angle in which puts Macbeth’s key character traits into light. Through the abundant amount of scenes within the composition, Macbeth is portrayed as the backbone supporting the entire play itself. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. New York: Washington Press, 2012.

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