MHR 405 assignment

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In our 6th seminar, we were arranged into groups to complete a “Wilderness Survival Exercise”, this activity consisted of 6 group members making logical group decisions that were impacted by motivation of others, and organizational behavior of members in the group. In summary, this exercise included a group of campers that were travelling along a river stream with their canoes, and all of their supplies, when suddenly they encounter some rapids, which lead to the group of 6 campers falling out and canoes being destroyed. Therefore, this led to most of their supplies and necessities being destroyed, or ruined. Prior to reading the case scenario, we had to form a group of 6 members discussing about what items are more of a necessity for survival than others. After gathering 5 other members, my group an I then went through 1st step in the 5 stages of group development, forming; in which we got to know each other. Throughout the forming process the group members and I went through the 3 main concepts of active listening. Sensing, by letting to the group members speak without interruption and maintaining interest, responding by showing interest to the speaker and, evaluating by organizing information and providing feedback. With that being stated, we were given a selected amount of items to choose from and which of these 14 items would be more valuable for survival. Individually we selected the items that we felt were more useful for survival, and listed them in ascending order from which we felt were most valuable to least valuable. Next we got together as a group to discuss what we felt were the most important items for survival and had to come up with a list as a group. Everyone contributing to the group decision is where we foun... ... middle of paper ... ...s to the answer. Kelly’s theory of casual attributes was used when making perception of other members in the group because similar individuals acted the same in the past, or behaved the same in the past by showing no interest in the work. Equity theory was also assured when individuals felt as if their input were never obligated to the decision or if they are being treated fairly. This took place when a certain individual in the group was always providing his opinion but it was never the answer he felt as if his beliefs were always neglected, in which he always compared him to others in the group. In my opinion, I felt that this exercise revealed to us that it isn’t easy making decision in groups, and it could be very difficult. Furthermore it provided us with social and behavioral perceptions to shows us how we use them without even acknowledging it.

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