Low Back Pain Case Study

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Low back pain.
History of spina bifida and back surgery.
The patient is a 32-year-old female who was born with spina bifida. She had surgery as an infant. She also had subsequent surgery when she was a teenager. Since that time, however, she states she has not had issues related to this, other than that she has to self-catheterize. She is followed by a urologist for this. She tells me that she does intermittently get some low back pain. She did start getting her usual low back pain this past Monday. Yesterday, she worked a full day as a bridal stylist. She does need to stand throughout most of the day. By 7:30 at night, she states she was leaning over on the counter at work and had onset of severe pain in her low back, to the …show more content…

Pulse 80. Respiratory rate 12. Weight 136 pounds, which is very stable for patient.

The patient is alert, oriented, no acute distress, she is sitting upright in her chair, however.

Back with no tenderness over her kidney area. She does have a scar in her low back. Scar is surrounded by some blotchy redness, but the patient states this always looks like this. She does have pain to palpation above the scarred area and her low back. She has decreased range of motion of her low back, in general. Flexion however, causes significant pain and she is reluctant to do this. She has no pain when flexing her neck.

Negative straight leg raise bilaterally, good range of motion at her hips. She does have pain when flexing both hips while in a lying position.

Deep tendon reflexes 2+ patellar and equal, 1+ Achilles and equal. Sensation is intact to crude touch.

Low back pain, severe spasm yesterday that lasted for a short period of time. My suspicion is this is related to fatigue of her musculature with a spasm. She does, however, have a significant history with her back as detailed above. At this point, however, we will have her try heat alternating with ice. We will have her use Aleve two tablets p.o. b.i.d. to take with food. She will do slow stretches. If symptoms are worsening or not improving, we may need to pursue an MRI of her back. Otherwise, she will let us know how things are

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