Louis 14 Dbq

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DBQ Questions

Louis 14 spent the countries money on whatever he wanted.
They had very little land but incredibly high taxes.
A. a constitutional monarchy was established. B. France became a republic. 4. A. Citizens had the right to influence the government. B. Citizens have equal rights. 5. People could be arrested for the way they looked. 6. Many libraries and museums were built. 7. Napoleon’s laws were forced onto countries that France took over during their conquest. Some countries that were taken over by France did not immediately restore their constitutions. 8. A. Slavery was abolished in France due to the revolution
B. Many revolutions that occurred later were modeled after the French …show more content…

One of the main results of the revolution was the ancient regime was abolished. This started to make France’s people more equal. A document was created that outlined France’s peoples rights, it was called the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen. People were to be born with equal rights (doc 4). Many of the “rights” given in this document were not truly given to the people of France. There was supposed to be freedom of speech, (doc 6) but the papers were monitored and people could not support certain things without fear of imprisonment. People were arrested for having different views from those in power (doc 5).This did not create complete equality in France but it was a start. Also, a republic was set up in France for a very brief time. The republic was in place after the death of Louis XVI, and then after Napoleon was removed from power. The French revolution not only had affects on people in France, but also in many of the surrounding countries. The French revolution had many impacts on the countries outside of France. When Napoleon came to power in 1799 he started a conquest. He was able to conquer much of Italy and germany among the many other countries he was able to take control of. When he took power somewhere he imposed his own political code. Even after the countries were freed from France, some did not immediately get rid of his laws. Some cities like Naples kept is for a while (doc 7). This was just one of the several ways in which the French revolution affected surrounding

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