Losing Connections

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Growing up, you will be met with changes that will cause your life to be entirely different than it used to be. In doing so, you will find that you have lost connections with the people you loved in your past. This outcome results from the process of losing connections, which consists of stages of change, focus, regret, and acceptance.
Initially in the process, a new significant factor will appear in your life that will cause change with the relationships you have. Perhaps a significant person comes into your life. This may cause you to give attention from your friends to this new individual. Another situation can be something traumatizing that affected you enough to change your views on life. Such a thing may cause you to think or act differently than you used to be, which affects how you interact with friends. These impacts on your life are powerful enough to alter the connections you have attained in …show more content…

Drifting from your old connections may have left you more alone to contemplate on your choices and people. Doing so causes you to recount the memories of the change in the process, and so it may cause you to blame yourself for ever changing to a life without your old connections. Moreover, thinking about how different your life was with your old friends will cause you to miss them and miss your old life that you had with them. To provide an explanation, being able to contemplate your old relationships causes you to remember the amazing memories you attained with them, and so you want to experience those memories again, but all you can do is miss living through your old life. In summary, being used to the changes in your life and remembering your past will cause you to notice how much you have missed the memories with your old connections, causing you to regret ever leaving or

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