Lord Sugar Rhetorical Analysis

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How do the candidates try to save themselves from elimination from the boardroom? Response 1. This conversation show Mohammad, Harry and Lewis try to save them self’s from getting sacked by Lord Sugar. Three young men’s were invited back to the board room due to the loss of the team and lack of contribution to the team. When the meeting started Lord sugar was starting the conversation in an informal way, he used sarcasm and few “er“ in the starting of this meeting this shows that how eager he is to come to a conclusion. When the conversation actually starts we see lots of overlapping, stress and emphasis which shows that how desperate they all are and also shows the level of stress they all are in to save them self’s or for lord sugar …show more content…

Later on after listening to the conversation Sir Alan Sugar asserts his authority by stating “Mohammed, Mohammed, let me give- can I give you my call on it?“ throws in a rhetorical question and sums up Mohammad’s level of uncomfortable in this meeting and how close he is to get sacked but Lord Sugar also lessen the blame which was passed to him like a hot potato “I don’t think that you could be responsible for everything good that went on in this task. It’s, it’s, its physically impossible. Okay?” All Mohammed then do is back channelling “Yeah” which agian shows that he is looking for the sympathy given by the Lord …show more content…

In the meeting it looked like that Harry and Lewis had the better of Mahammad “you’re taking the claim for everything good and what you would have done if you were the pr- pr – project manager and you didn’t.“ Near the end this quote then reinforce that Mahammad is taking the credit for the good thing happing but not taking the blame for things that he did or caused wrong for example the theme was picked by him “pirate theme” then all Mohammed do is “nods“, this clearly shows that Mohammed is wrong and how uncomfortable and petrified he is after what Lord Sugar said to him then he didnt say a single word to Lord

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