Lord Of The Flies Civilization Vs Savagery Essay

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Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel that leaves the readers thinking, “Well that escalated quickly”. William Golding creates a complex environment that delves into the concept that there is evil within all of us. It explores the beast-like savagery that comes from human nature's instinct to survive. Golding portrays this through multiple young characters’ brush with fear. He explores the result of the absence of authority and structure and shows how they change without any guidance from society or adults. Throughout the unfolding transformation we see the presence of a character known as the “beast”. It is disguised as an actual being; however, it is a key symbol that ties the story together and reveals what the internal conflict actually
Their fear of the beast is one that causes many arguments and fights. The revelation of the beast's true identity is not understood by all the boys despite many of the obvious clues. At one point, in the dark, the boys confuse Simon for the beast and attack him: “Now out of the terror rose another desire, thick, urgent, blind. Kill the beast! Cut its throat! Spill its blood!” (152). This evil trance like state that the boys were in cause them to kill Simon in a brawl of savagery. This scene is near the peak of climax because the change in all the characters perspective is prominent. Its when this scene is over that the characters start to realize who the beast is. The savagery behind their gruesome chant deepens the complexity of how the boys are changing; it isn’t a fight for survival, but rather an excuse to kill.
In almost every novel, objects may represent something other than what it actually is. Lord of the Flies by William Golding is filled these symbolistic objects. The lord of the flies is the central symbol in this allegorical novel. It is permeated with symbols and meanings that fill the reader's mind with questions and thirst to know more. Lord of The Flies is both a story with a message and a great tale of adventure focusing on human nature’s internal flaws. It symbolizes the monster in all of us and how it doesn’t take much for it to rear its evil

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