Lord Of The Flies Civilization Vs Savagery

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One book that had a great impact on my life was Lord of the Flies. The theme of civilization vs. savagery taught me a lot about how humans may act differently when put in certain situations. For example, when good people are put in a bad environment, they blur moral lines justifying the “greater good”. This can be proven by Freud’s personality theory. Freud suggests that there are three complexes to every human: ID (instinctive impulses), superego (critical role) and the ego (balances superego and ID). The Biguns in the story mistreat Piggy, Simon, and the Littluns because they are easy targets. I found the story interesting because the boys are normal humans who would not have acted in the savage way they did if they were not on the island. This taught me a lot about the human brain and how people can be very affected situationally. …show more content…

It is about what normal people can learn from psychopaths, in a good way. Kevin Dutton is a famous psychologist who has very intelligent insights on abnormal behavior. I think it is very interesting how he took something that people would necessarily think is bad and turned it into something good. I think this book would influence my life in a way that I might see people differently and understand what is going on inside their heads. Psychopaths are considered to have too much of a good thing and that is what puts them in that category. One trait of a psychopath is being overly confident so one of the points Dutton refers to in the novel is that a lot of people fear things such as public speaking, social situations, etc. so in that sense, we should learn to be as confident as

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