Lord Of The Flies Argumentative Essay

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“Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?”(259) That’s what young Piggy wants everyone to realize in order to make the right choice. The book Lord of the Flies suggests that humans are naturally savage through a tale of young civilized boys, who turn into uncontrollable savages. This effectively describes the theme of the novel because the facts state that humans are the flaw itself, and therefore are naturally savage. There is also the fact that no matter how much authority there is, there are always humans who disobey it and cause chaos wherever they go and whatever they do. The final argument presented is the fact that when humans reach a certain point of limitation, they fall into chaos in a desperate attempt …show more content…

During the time Percival thought he saw the beast he starting crying to his heart’s content and he “ Would not shut up, A spring had been tapped, far beyond the reach of authority or even physical intimidation” (pg123) What this means is that the power of authority on the island wasn't being followed when everyone knew what the rules were. The idea here is that humans are naturally savage because it shows that it doesn’t matter that Ralph is in charge and had conch, Percival wouldn’t remain silent because he was crying his heart out, and if you think about it crying doesn’t follow the rules, crying goes on until you feel like it's enough, not the boss or leader, you. The conch represents authority and if Percival has been able to just ignore it until he thought it was enough, then it just shows how useless authority really is . The other side of the argument is that with authority, humans will be kept in order , but the argument that humans are savage with or without authority is still true. The key point is that in our society, even though there is authority, there are still some people who refuse to follow the rules, such as criminals. This is also expressed in the book, for Jack and his tribe refuse to follow authority, that being the conch and the original leader

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