Free Lord Of The Flies Essay

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From 1947 to 1991, the United States and the Soviet Union battled without a war. This conflict, the Cold War, was also notorious for the rivalry between the two countries. In literature, these rivalries also occur but are between characters or groups. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, two clans of boys, led by dueling protagonists Ralph and Jack, have their own battle on a desert island about how to survive. However, the title, Lord of the Flies, is not a complete representation of the themes. Although a “Lord of the Flies” would bite heavily due to being noble, the conflict is not basic and the title Lord of the Flies does not convey the plot effectively. The title Tribes of Fate is a culmination of all of the aspects of the story because the title incorporates the three-sided conflict of person versus person, person versus nature, and person versus fate. The title, Lord of the Flies, is an adequate title for the book because of the theme of conformity. The Lord of the Flies induces fear in the story due to forcing loyalty. When Simon encounters the royal insect, he “could not break away and the Lord of the Flies hung in space before him” (143). At …show more content…

Tribes of Fate better represents the three sides of the conflict, which are person versus person, person versus nature, and person versus fate. When the boys prepare to hunt the feared “beastie”, they practice at the expense of Roger, portraying a pig. Pretending to hunt Roger, the biguns chant, “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” (152) The encounter of the “Beastie” is fate and the boys must practice on a false entity. The tribes utilize this at the expense of the other in a three-sided conflict, battling themselves while attempting to survive on an island. The tribes, who eventually end up battling each other, are formed to combat nature and fate, resulting in Tribes of

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