Long-Term Effects Of Puritans On North American Culture

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Looking Ahead 3: What did the English want from the colonies in the first century of English settlement in North America? The English wanted to establish settlement to own more land, which leads to more power, and follow the idea of merchantism. In chapter one, the English wanted to go to the Americas not only for religious freedom, but to practice the idea of merchantism. During the time of English’s exploration of the Americas, the country was one of the last European countries to explore the “New World. Such items the colonists began to trade were furs, animal skins, meat, and crops such as: wheat, barely, and oats. In contrast, the colonists came to North America to have religious and economic opportunities, and freedom. What the colonists do not seem to realize is that England was using the colonist to gain power over the “New World” and to gain profit from foreign trade. Lectures Lecture 4 Question 1: What have been the long-term effects of the Puritans on American culture? …show more content…

The three main effects are religious freedom, legislative government, and the idea of merchantism, or economic opportunities The First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution is founded on the idea that the Puritans followed, the freedom of religion, and that stills holds today. Another effect is the type of government we have adapted since the time the Puritans came to the Americas. With our government as a democracy, we have three branches, one being which the Puritans established, called the legislative assembly. The last long term is the idea of merchantism, or economic opportunities. As American citizens, we have the right to earn profit with hard work and dedication known as the, American Dream. Overall, the Puritans have founded the ideas of how we live our life in the United States of

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