Lodz Ghetto

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In the year of 1940 the jews of lodz were told to pack up their belongings ,leave their homes , and establish themselves in the Lodz ghetto. By April 30, the gate went up locking the inhabitants inside the very large, and very crowded prison. There was no sense of privacy, and it was difficult to keep proper hygiene, and since they all lived in such crowded quarters fatal diseases spread rapidly killing many. They had no contact with the outside world and all attempts were forbidden. In the first year, they were faced with avoiding death by starvation and the never ending hunger claimed many lives.However, despite the trying conditions it was comparatively uneventful to what happened in December of 1941. The death camp known as Chelmno opened, …show more content…

Chaim Rumkowski the appointed leader of the ghetto and judennat attempted to goad them into requiring a smaller amount of people taken for daily transport, but produced nearly fruitless results.He formulated the lists and organized which types of people would be taken. The Judennat was the jewish police force of the ghetto and aided the Germans in rounding up the unfortunate Jews chosen.First it was the old, sick, and children , and then there was no differentiation, it was just luck of the draw. Around this time, the germans began populating the ghetto with Jews from all of german-occupied Europe, and the ghetto became even more crowded. Though by now 1/3 of the original population had perished, their lives and stories nearly forgotten. During September a curfew was set and those who failed to meet it were punished severely. The ghetto continued to be used as a labor camp with produced many of the ammunition and guns used for Germanys army.In 1944, it began liquidation and served its original purpose which was to be used as a transit facility. A colleague named Himler instructed this fellow party member the natzi chief of Wategou to fully clear out the

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