Location, Location And Setting In Brontë's Jane Eyre

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Location, location, location--physical setting functions symbolically in Jane Eyre. The author and filmmakers work with place to add depth to thematic concerns. Each location in Jane Eyre represents a different stage in Jane Eyre’s life, her childhood happens at Gateshead. She then moves on to her education at Lowood Institute until she wants to get out into the world and seek her fortune. Next at Thornfield comes young love, where she finds mystery and temptation. Afterward Jane endures a temporary banishment at Moor House and in the little town of Morton, where she discovers friends and relatives.at the novels end Jane experiences mature love at Ferndean when she returns to Rochester. Lowood is a low point in Jane’s life, Even though the sickness is what gives Jane that freedom and eventually kills her friend Jane it Is also the only time Jane has any freedom, to explore and be herself without the pressure from the school .When sickness is spreading at Lowood, the strict regimes and rues are less oppressive and the children get to venture out into the grounds and garden. The garde...

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