Locally Grown Foods

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Locally grown food is extensively better for consumers because it provides a good physical health. GMOs or genetically modified organisms are used in food to give it a longer shelf life, to grow produce faster and prevent it from getting disease, or weeds. Pesticides are used in produce to prevent infestation. GMOs and and pesticides are two things that cause big problems for human health that are widely used in conventional produce. CUESA, a center for urban education on agriculture, reports that food in grocery stores is grown with the use of pesticides, genetic modification, antibiotics and other things that have negative effects on human health (p.6). Unlike food that is grown with the intention of being shipped out to faraway areas, …show more content…

This means that the food does not need to be shipped out and travel for long periods of time. It just needs to be brought to a stand that is at convenient travel time to the farmer. This is a great benefit because all those chemicals become carcinogens, hormone disruptors, developmental or reproductive toxins and more. Consumers who buy locally grown food don’t take those chances of all these health risks just for eating conventional produce. This produce sold at Farmers’ Markets is also fresher and higher of quality than conventional produce. Wilder from the Farmers Market Foundation demonstrates that farmers’ markets sell vegetables that are harvested just a day or two before to give consumers the most out of vitamins and nutrients. Produce that is grown locally and sold at farmers’ markets is fresher than produce sold anywhere else. The freshness and quality of the produce makes it healthier. Nutrients and vitamins in food that is fresh is higher than in food that has had to travel a long time and has worn away. We need all kind of different vitamins and nutrients in our bodies in order to live a healthy lifestyle. The quality of the produce sold at farmers’ markets is not only top of the line but it also offers great seasonal products which are also …show more content…

Aside from the chemicals used to grow conventional food having harmful effects on the human body, these chemicals also have negative effects on our environment. Glass from One Green Planet states, “Bees are hugely important in the pollination of many food crops, but are unfortunately extremely endangered by agricultural techniques such as GM crops (p.3).” Bees are needed in the everyday life of the world. Although they are under-acclaimed, without them the possibility of the world as we know it would be impossible. The job of a bee is to pollinate plants. Pollination gives plants what they need in order for them to bloom and reproduce. If plants weren’t pollinated then they would die out and all species that need oxygen to breathe would die too. If our bees are being murdered by crops that are grown using GMOs and pesticides then we need to put a stop to it and start buying the food that does not use these products. Thankfully, locally grown food uses little to no pesticides which kill the species we need in our world. This creates a better environment for the consumer because they can have great air thanks to pollination. Unfortunately, not only bees are affected by GMOs but also other animals that make up our environment. Whitford of the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Organization claims that,”Short exposures to some pesticides

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