Living In The Ghetto Research Paper

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Have you ever lived in the ghetto? If you have then you know the struggle, which is why I am going to write about when I did live in the ghetto. If you lived or live in the ghetto, then you know it sucks, gunshots every night, stray animals everywhere, homeless people, addicts and much more. Those reasons are why I always thank God and appreciate what I have. Over all it is a bad place to live and I feel sorry for people who live there. When my dad and mom met, my mom was only 19 and already had my sister Melody at 17. My dad fell in love with Melody and my mom. He liked my mom so much he lied about his age, he was only 17, but he told her he was 18. About a year later of them dating, my mom got pregnant with me. At that point my parents were gang bangers and did not have jobs. They were barely surviving. Not until about when my mom was 8 months pregnant with me, then my dad realized he was about to be a dad. His eyes opened up because he realized I was going to be his first child. He knew that he was a loser, with no job so he decided to get off his butt and work. Since he had been in jail many, many times, he could not get a job, so he joined the army. …show more content…

He never saw me until I was about 7 months old. While he was gone those 7 months so far, he went to North Korea and other places. Also while my dad was in the service, my mom did not have a job and we were living off of food stamps. I was 1 year old when we moved to Georgia, and we only lived there for a few months because the service. We moved back to California about a few months later. After we barely came back to California, we left a few months later to Texas so my dad could also do service there. Texas is where my mom got pregnant at with my

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