Living A Beautiful Life On Less By Danielle Wagasky

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How to Avoid Impulse Purchases You may not like to admit it, but you are just as susceptible to being suckered into an impulse buy as the next person. Stores invest large amounts of money to understand the behaviors of shoppers and they use that knowledge to weaken your willpower. For instance, the great temptation of all of the candies and magazines at supermarket checkouts. No matter how much you regret that impulse purchase, it’s more than likely going to happen again. Danielle Wagasky, author of Living A Beautiful Life on Less, managed to spread $14,000 a year to cover the entire family for 5 years. She herself was in a deep financial hole, shopping too often, dipping into savings to cover bills, and paying those bills late. She became …show more content…

Always use cash. There is something really important about the physical activity of withdrawing cash. When you then use cash to make any purchases, you realize it is your hard-earned money, rather than a piece of magic plastic that will handle your purchase. Little purchases add up, so spending in cash is an excellent way to stay on top of your finances. Make A List & Stick to It Before you do your grocery shopping open your fridge and your cupboards to make a list of what you actually need. We get so used to buying certain things we often purchase items when we don’t need them. So, when you’re writing your shopping list, be strict. If you know your supermarket well enough group your items together by aisle so you won’t be tempted to stray as you shop. Never go shopping on an empty stomach, and make your purchase in cash. Don’t Shop Hungry If you’ve ever been shopping when you’re hungry then you’ll know how tempting every aisle can be. You imagine all of the incredible things that you can buy and eat when you get home to quell the growling of your stomach. Don’t get caught up in the moment and your hunger, you need to think about your budget. So, rather than face the temptation of high calorie snacks and junk foods on sale, have a snack before you go …show more content…

It’s a common human impulse, to hit the stores with your credit card after experiencing an emotional setback. While it may feel good in the moment, it’s a terrible idea. Once the buzz of buying wears off you’re going to feel worse than you did before you went on the spree. The same can be said if you go shopping when you’re on a high. You may be tempted to treat yourself after getting a promotion, but shopping based on emotions is unwise- always keep track of your finances. Shop Online When Possible It’s fair to say that online shopping has completely changed the way we shop. We can purchase absolutely anything with just one click of a button. It may seem too convenient, and the financial nightmare of the impulse buyer, however, there’s more to it than that. The first bonus of shopping online is that you can see exactly what you’re spending. You won’t be hit with any surprises when you get to the checkout, because you can keep track as you shop. This is especially effective when you’re shopping for groceries, because you’ll be less tempted to add items you don’t need to your

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