Literature: The Most Important Essay: Why Literature Is Important

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As the great Charles William Elliot once said, "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; They are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." Literature by the dictionary reference web is, "writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest.” Most people think Literature is stupid and is a waste of time, but really they 're wrong. Actually Literature is the best and ultimately the most important thing to help broaden your understanding, help learn and communicate better, and to help escape reality even if it 's just for a tiny bit. To begin with, literature matters due to the ability of aiding an individual to improve their writing skills and …show more content…

If an object as simple as a mail order is miscomprehended due to neglect of reading ability, a domino effect will occur and the company can receive a bad reputation of misplaced or incorrect orders. A doctor’s office can have an excellent service that goes above and beyond but if the staff such as the medical assistants cannot conquer the simple basic skill of writing the company can fall into a law suit. Literature is in fact a deciding factor and something that follows us out of the classroom and into the work place. Moreover, literature matters because it helps the individual escape reality. Whether its a mother getting some time alone, a patient in a hospital room, or the youngster at their local cafe, anyone and everyone can read to escape the current situations of life. As Edmundson put it, “They read to be diverted, assuaged, comforted, and tickled” (Edmundson 1). As much stress a book can bring to a college student in class, reading comes as a great chain of entertainment and escape. It gives the human being the super power to transport themselves somewhere …show more content…

Literature is the most essential apparatus to help broaden understanding, help learn and communicate better, and to help escape reality even if its momentarily. So in the next available moment, before judging a book by its cover and length, remember all the knowledge that is contained in those pages that can be translated into the brain. Explore the different worlds and benefits that Literature has and continues to offer, because “"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one."-George RR

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