Literacy Strategies

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Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. (1.RL.2) The students will identify feelings terms and define vocabulary terms. Students will learn to listen to class-mate’s opinions and feelings, respect-ing differences. Students will analyze feelings actions and learn to change their feelings states. Academic Vocabulary/Terminology Literacy Strategies Angry, sad, tired, jealous, happy, proud Concept sort, whole classroom thumbs up/thumbs down, think-pair-share, good feeling journal, sticky notes on white board, popsicle sticks names, matching sentence. Do Now I would introduce a book “When Sophie’s Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt”, by Molly Bang. I would start saying that the word feelings …show more content…

I will start reading the book and pointing out vocabulary words, and three important facts in the story. Sophie’s way of changing her feeling status when she is hurt. How does Sophie feel when her classmates said harsh words to her? And did Sophie tell her feelings to someone? I am thinking that when I am sad or angry I like to observe the beautiful col-ors in the sky, or I will count to ten and take a deep breath, showing a star sign. What do you do when you are angry? I would ask for thumbs up/down for few occasion ex: when I get angry, I kick my friend. Is that a thumbs up or thumbs down? Or when I get angry, I cuddle with my stuffed animal, or draw and color. Is that a thumbs up/ thumbs down? When someone says harsh words to me, I feel sad, and say that made me feel sad. Instead they could have asked me to talk about my painting. We Do (Joint …show more content…

Then talk about in the group and say one compliment about their classmates’ paintings. I will also show my own painting and say the sentence, and they will put up their painting also. Assessment/Closure/“Exit Ticket” To reinforce vocabulary terms, I give some match up sentences about feelings, in-dividually or as a class. When I am angry ……then find the right action: to feel better I cuddle my teddy bear. When my classmate is proud of her/his work …. I would ask to talk about the work and come up with a nice thing to say. Homework (Continues from Independent Practice) For homework students are doing a self- assessment on their feelings, and write down things that they did to feel better, draw, breathe technique, or talk to some-one, and, if they paid attention to someone else feelings, as a sibling or parent, and what they said, to make them feel better. Materials: book, popsicle sticks, sticky notes, good feeling

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