Life Of Pi Religion Essay

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Religion can help you from an unexpected way. While you’re chosen a religion, it will deeply stay in your heart. According to Pi, religion can make a person better by his faithfulness; gives the follower a sense of security; and ultimately save your life is you have faith. Religion can make a person better by his faithfulness. Pi is faithful to Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Many people will think that Pi’s behavior is disrespectful to each religion’s God. However Pi’s father is an atheistic person, he thinks that: “I suppose that’s what we’re all trying to do — love God (Martel.88).” Pi’s father thinks that these three religions are not conflicting to each other. Their purpose are all be faithful to God. I think Pi thought this way too, because he joins one religion when he found that religion has many things he like. Such as Christianity’s aim is to be benevolent. Pi has resonance with this religion, his family owns a zoo, he knows people should be merciful, so he joins Christianity. He thinks these three …show more content…

People join a religion is because they think the God will bless them. Pi might thinks of this also. When he was on the endless sea with a tiger, a voice uprising in his heart encouraging him that: “ I will not die, I refuse it. I will make it through this nightmare. I will… Yes, so long as God is with me. I will not die. Amen (Martel, 186).” When he was in this kind of hopeless situation, religion gave him a security feeling, he thought that he was with God, and God will protect him in danger. Gods in the religions gave Pi hope, encouraged him to survive and fought against all these odds. It made Pi feel that he would getting stronger to beat these difficulties and survived. He can be the only one on the lifeboat, then he would make this miracle into routine until he has been rescued. He felt the God and God gave him power. He also feels safety from the religion that he was believing

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