Life Experiences From Others

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It seems that every person I have ever spoken to has shared some sort of experience with me. None of them have proven to be as major as the things Amy has shared with me, and no other experience has affected my life as much as my experiences with her. She taught me to be different; and not just the different that most people are, because their definition of different is just a warped version of normal. She showed me how to be completely different. "To stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone." If she had never done this, I would be so much more similar to everyone else. One experience changed me completely, and it is the only notable thing that I have ever experienced. What if you do not have the opportunity to learn something on your own, and need someone else's guidance to get you through it? "Although this kind of experience is not as pure as the one you will experience yourself, it is quite useful where you might not be able to learn it through your own limited opportunities." By just observing other people doing certain things, you can learn wha...

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