Lies In A Doll's House

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In Ibsen’s A Dolls House the truth comes out, but the lie is what comes out more powerful. The lie is the deal breaker, the truth manipulated, the decision ender. Nora is most affected by lying about her problem which was when she committed forgery of her father’s signature. Her lying becomes her worst enemy and the truth is told. After the truth was out, her decisions were later influenced by her lies. The truth and the lie both come with consequences. When Nora met her old friend Mrs. Linde, Nora became very open to her and the truth came out. Nora tells Mrs. Linde, “I only want to tell you that, Kristine, so that you can be my witness.” (Ibsen 999). Nora doesn’t want her as a witness, she wants Mrs. Linde to save her from the situation as it comes out. Her situation with her father is where she showed it the most. Signing her father’s name and lying about it to Krogstad didn’t just go by him as she says, “I didn’t know that Krog- that this man Krogstad had anything to do with the bank” (Ibsen 979). Nora says this as a lie as she knew Krogstad worked at the bank, but she wanted to cover up that he was part of her problem. She also neglects the fact that her problem involves money by saying, “You don’t have to. Whoever …show more content…

Nora’s worst fear is for her husband to hear about her issue and she says, “This secret – my joy and my pride- that he should learn it in such a crude and disgusting way…” (Ibsen 983). This is Nora’s after thoughts of what could potentially happen when Torvald hears of her issue and how he may react. She fears of the truth reaching the rest of the family she is in. Nora’s lies are much more powerful than the truth she tells. She later goes on and says, “It’s true- I’ve got something to be proud and happy for. I’m the one who saved Torvalds life.” (Ibsen 975). She does explain the truth here by a certain extent, but it is an example of her issues

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