Liberal Studies And Education Seneca Analysis

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In, “Liberal Studies and Education,” by Seneca, the path to virtue is through the study of wisdom. The effects of virtue are illustrated through the characteristics of kindness, temperance and loyalty. One achieves virtue when one studies wisdom. Wisdom is seen as a higher value according to Seneca. In the text Seneca states that, “…the study of wisdom, and that is lofty, brave, and great-souled,” indicating that the learning of wisdom values high importance to Seneca because it shows the dedication to undergo the pressure of attaining wisdom. Also, Seneca discusses the differences between learning the technical aspect of something versus the true meaning of something. For example Seneca states, “You know what a straight line is; but how does it benefit you if you do not know what is straight …show more content…

For some people it’s very hard to maintain temperance because they’re unable to contain their desires. Seneca states, “Temperance controls our desires; some it hates and routs, other it regulates and restores to a healthy measure,” meaning if one is truly virtuous that their desires won’t get in the way of their priorities. By obtaining temperance people will be able to achieve control in their lives and never ‘fall off the wagon’ as the saying goes. According to Seneca, “Temperance knows the best measure of appetites is not what you want to take, but what you ought to take,” indicating by attaining temperance one can have self-control which is a characteristic of being virtuous. During Ulysses’ challenging journey he was able to constraint himself from the numerous trials such as the, “savage monsters that delight in human blood, on that side the treacherous allurements of the ear, and yonder is shipwreck and all the varied category of misfortunes,” which help show the strength it took for Ulysses to undergo those harsh confrontations and still maintain temperance which Seneca believes, Ulysses, is a virtuous character to

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