The Theme Of Virtue In Plato's Meno

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“If then virtue is a quality of the soul and is admitted to be profitable, it must be wisdom or prudence since none of the things of the soul are either profitable or hurtful in themselves, but they are all made profitable or hurtful by the addition of wisdom or of folly; and therefore and therefore, if virtue is profitable, virtue must be a sort of wisdom or prudence?” (Socrates, Plato’s Meno) Throughout the complex and confusing book Plato’s Meno, one at the end of the narrative is left a bit dumbfounded. Questions are left in the air, and it is as if Plato hasn’t answered the question he so desperately was set out to solve. Within the story, Socrates and Meno have a series of arguments discussing virtue. However, the problem the reader …show more content…

Virtue can be taught, and Virtue can be taught by God instilled men and woman of God. Because virtue is truth, someone who holds truth is able to teach it. The author of all truth goodness and beauty sources from God. God holds the divine authority of who holds truth within their heart. Everyone is given a conscience. At the core of everyone, there is a basic set of morals laid upon everyone’s hearts. Anything that is more revolutionary comes from scripture. Even if someone isn’t preaching or a Christian, if they’re telling truths revealed in scripture, it is still a truth. Many times this occurs because at our core we know there are virtuous traits within our world. An excellent example of this is Plato. Plato in his writings never came out and confessed himself a Christian, but he desired of truth. His pursuit of virtue was instilled in him. Outside of the bounds of truth, virtue cannot be taught because it would no longer be …show more content…

In Plato’s Meno, Socrates quotes the poet Theognis, and says: “Eat and drink and sit with the mighty, and make yourself agreeable to them; for from the good you will learn what is good, but if you mix with the bad you will lose the intelligence which you already have.” This section shows that virtue can be obtained by people of good influence. Essentially, the ways of someone and how they act can “rub off” on others. Reading information from books and gaining book knowledge is definitely beneficial, but sometimes it can be better learned through real life experiences. Because virtue is knowledge, it must be learned like all subjects. Socrates gives a scenario of a boy named Cleophantus who was a well-known horseman. His master taught him fantastic things, such as standing upright on horseback and javelin skills. It is like learning a sport or an activity. Someone who is knowledgeable and equipped in the subject is capable of teaching truth. Also meaning someone is able to teach virtue. Someone is capable of learning and teaching virtue if they are equipped to do so. Yet virtue can also be understood, if not better, when in a real life experience. Actions sometimes train our minds better than just common head knowledge. This can really be applied to anything, not just specifically

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