Lgbtq Youth Victimization Essay

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Introduction Experiences of victimization for LGBTQ youth occur across various settings, including the home, school, and community. Research has established the association between identifying as LGBTQ and increased victimization amongst youth. Identifying as LGBTQ is also associated with risk of substance and alcohol use, sexual risk behaviors, school problems, and suicidality amongst youth. It is a reasonable assumption that some of these outcomes are a result of the victimization LGBTQ youth experience. The 2011 National School Climate Survey conducted by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) found that 84.9 percent of the 8,584 student respondents heard “gay” used in a negative way frequently or often at school, and 91.4 percent of students felt distressed because of this language. Murdock and Bolch identified peer victimization as one of the strongest predictors of school disengagement for LGBTQ youth, providing a foundation for the development of depression and anxiety. LGBTQ youth report experiences of harassment, discrimination, and social exclusion, often specifically related to their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. Ayyash-Abdo demonstrated that a hostile school environment can lead to emotional distress, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. A likely setting for …show more content…

For this to occur, Thompson and Johnston challenge practitioners to increase personal awareness of their feelings toward sexuality and acknowledge how these feelings affect their values, beliefs, and relationship with LGBTQ youth. It is also important for practitioners to communicate with LGBTQ youth to gain a better understanding of feelings they may be experiencing, such as confusion, uncertainty, and dissonance. This awareness allows practitioners to assume supportive roles when assisting youth in developing self-acceptance and

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