LGBT Youth Homelessness

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A disturbingly large percent as many as half of LGBT youths are kicked out of their homes or flee them due to the persistent lack of support of their parents when their child finally works up the courage to inform their sexual orientation or gender identities. LGBT youths are faced with discrimination from society, peers, family and even school teachers and administrators. The percentage of LGBT youth experiencing homelessness is at least three times greater than the percentage of the general LGBT youth population, which is thought to be between 5 and 7% of the overall youth population (Quintana et al., 2010). The above statistics show that LGBT youths lack support and guidance but also prove how much they are affected in many ways by discrimination. …show more content…

With a home you get a sense of safety, freedom, and the ability to be yourself. Homelessness is defined as people who sleep on the streets, park benches, and under trees (Smith and Ravenhill, 2007). Homelessness continues for those who are living in their cars, tents, or any place that doesn’t have a roof. An estimated 20 to 40% of the approximately 1.6 million homeless youth in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) (Choi, Wilson, Shelton, & gates, 2015). If their families were more supportive, the suicide and depression rates would be moderately less. I believe that parents should love their children no matter what their sexual preference is. Family should be the primary source for seeking support and guidance. For example, if a student were to make a racial comment in school, he or she would get punished yet remarks against LGBT are acceptable. Teachers and administrators often fail to cease discrimination of harassment against LGBT youth because they are afraid of facing prejudice from others or because of their own prejudice (Browman, 2001). If we really want to solve this problem, we are going to have to work together. Three ways we could help LGBT is by educating people in schools, having informational sessions, and creating gay straight alliances. “Educators cannot ignore the risks faced by homosexual students, but deciding how to deal with the issue should be a matter of local concern” (Archer, 2002). In his article, Archer is stressing that educators must talk about discrimination against LGBT students and put aside their personal views to create a safer environment for students. Consequences such as school conduct codes and discipline policies should be established. Browman (2001) reports that the National Education Association, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Educational Alliance, and the American Federation of Teachers adhered in influencing the Education Department to defend and

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