Lewandowsky Backfire Effect

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The backfire effect is when a fact is disconfirmed based on scientific evidence, resulting in someone having a stronger belief that the fact is correct, by using counter arguments to avoid being wrong (Lewandowsky,119). Confirmation bias can be defined as prejudice towards a subject or matter due to preexisting beliefs. As a result, the backfire effect is conceptually related to confirmation bias because both the backfire effect and confirmation bias are limiting themselves to the acquisition of new information or knowledge to a certain extent. In the article by Lewandowsky, the idea of politics is briefly brought up. The backfire effect is extremely prominent in the world of politics. For example, in a casual political debate amongst friends or family the more the debaters try to reason their beliefs the less likely who they are debating against will …show more content…

Consequently, the backfire effect is applicable in this situation. Three psychological mechanisms which give reasons why backfire effects can occur are: the familiarity, overkill, and worldview backfire effect. Given the wide use of the test today, the meaningfulness of the test results are reinforced, supporting the familiarity backfire effect. One's personality cannot be put into a general category because everyone is unique and trying to understand one's personality abstractly is hard than concrete categories, demonstrating the overkill backfire effect. Lastly, the test is believed to be the way to tell which 'type' of personality one has, the perspective that of the tests reliability is strengthened, displaying the worldview backfire effect. The test is favorable as it only indicates one's positive traits (thinker, performer, and nurturer), conveying ambiguous confidence, subsequently fitting several personalities

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