Letters To Lucerne Essay

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Letters to Lucerne Critique Introduction Director Mrs. Regnier’s production of Letters to Lucerne written by the two playwrights Fritz Rotter and Allen Vincent did a wonderful job at capturing the time period of the play that the text called for. Letter to Lucerne taking place during WWII. Without a good essence of the time period the play wouldn’t have had the emotional appeal that the time period gave me. The play would have been a complete fail and it would not make any sense. Though the time period was definitely amiss in the production the actors did a poor job at pulling off the production. They did not show the character development or proper emotional responses. Throughout the production though it was very hard to follow along with …show more content…

Though there were some technical difficulties that affected things that is no excuse except for it being harder to hear. The actors and actresses definitely could have projected more which would have helped the technical difficulties. This was seen in the scene where the young boy was trying to talk to the girls and you could not hear a word he said because there were technical difficulties and he did project. The main problem of the actors and actresses was that for majority of the actors and actresses they did not do the accents properly and for some not even at all this made the play very hard to both understand and follow. For example, Olga was supposed to be speak American with a slight Polish accent and the actress completely dropped the accent and spoke purely English. Also the actress who played the German maid Margareth made her accent so thick you couldn’t understand her one bit and it was hard to determine whether it was French or German same with the French girl Felice. Another problem is they did not show character development whatsoever. The other problem was that the actresses in specific did not show proper emotional responses when they were supposed to be sad and depressed they did not act sad enough you could tell they were faking

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