Unlearning Racism: An Open Letter to a Bully

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Dear Garrett, You bullied me, and other black kids all throughout high school. You were raised to believe that African Americans were less than you. You were raised to believe that we do not have a part in this society. It is not completely your fault that you think this way, but in this letter, I will tell you all the reason that you are wrong. I would like to start this letter by telling you that your beliefs are not all your fault. You were raised to believe it. Nobody was ever born racist. People are raised to believe that the minority race has a lessor value than the majority race. As Jane Elliott, an anti-racism activist said, “Anything you learn, you can unlearn, and it’s time to unlearn our bigotry” (Rita Tv). You can learn to not be racist and hopefully with this letter I can use my rhetoric skills to help you unlearn what you think is right. Did you …show more content…

How would you feel if someone tried to kill themselves because of something you said? Back in 2009 and fourteen-year-old mixed girl tried to kill herself because a fifteen-year-old boy bullied her for being mixed for six months. The boy had to face a maximum of a two-year detention and training order. Including 12 months in juvenile detention (Wardrop). What the boy and you did is called Racist Bullying. Bully Statistics says, “Racist Bullying is a third type of focused bullying that targets people of a specific race or cultural”. Bullying someone can make them have low self-esteem, aggression, or isolation. You bullying made life harder for me. I became tough quickly and some say to tough. I did not let myself feel the pain of the words you said to me. Since I became tougher I turned into a bully myself. I never bullied other kids like you did but I would never step down to a challenge of getting into an argument. One you graduated high school I could be more vulnerable, but I still had issues with letting things go and moving on from the

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